P.C. Book Covers
Book Covers
Given how many times these stories and novels have gone in and out of print, they've accumulated a lot of cover illustrations, some excellent, some ... well, see for yourself.
There are 39 photos in this gallery
R.O. Boats
R.O. Hodgell: Boats
There are 44 photos in this gallery
R.O. Bridges
R.O. Hodgell: Bridges
There are 12 photos in this gallery
R.O. Religious
R.O. Hodgell: Religious
There are 9 photos in this gallery
R.O. Jewelry
R.O. Hodgell: Jewelry
There are 19 photos in this gallery
L.P. Oils
L.P. Hodgell: Oils
There are 22 photos in this gallery
L.P. Prints
L.P. Hodgell: Prints
There are 8 photos in this gallery